Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

frustrated saturday

I think summer is begin now. hmmm.. I love summer, sun shines, and also warmth.
that's good. but why doesn't my feeling sense that 'warmth'?

actually now, I should go to school. for
physical exercise, Ghifari, and hang out with friends. but in fact, I'm staying here, online, and writing a blog. just spending my time, run away from reality.
so tired, I want to take a rest and forget about everything just a minute. but that damn feeling can't stop running to me. euuuh. I'm saying this like I bear all of problems in the world.
but for real, I'm just weary. just it.

hmm. YaAllah mudahkan dan tenangkanlah.

ps: for IPA2, please grow up. come back like first we met. no resentment, and full of jokes, laugh, and happiness. filling each other that's what friends should be right? :))

with love, for IPA2 peoples

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